The BBC has announced that its iPlayer app for iOS and Android devices has been downloaded over 20 million times in total, as mobile and tablet TV viewing overtakes TV viewing from the PC.
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Agatha Christie’s Poirot (ITV, 8pm) finally returned to TV screens last night, four months after the series opening aired, indicating ITV is happy to drip feed agitated fans the last lot of episodes.
Thinkbox’s current chair, Tess Alps, will become the non-executive chair as Sky Media’s Jeremy Tester joins the organisation’s board.
After 10 grueling weeks, Tuesday evening brought sweet relief to many baking fans as their magnificent new ruler was finally crowned on the finale of The Great British Bake Off (BBC Two, 8pm).
TV remains front-runner but traditional media budgets decline, with newspapers, magazines and radio all down, according to Nielsen’s Global AdView Pulse Report.
BBC One Daytime’s Moving On will become the first series to premier on the corporation’s online platform as part of the BBC Trust’s approved trial to explore the role of online premiering.
The weekend kicked off with a rather sombre episode of Glee as the writers and cast had the tricky task of dealing with the death of Cory Monteith’s character Flynn.
Commercial television channels saw a rise in yearly revenues in September, with the exception of Channel 4 and ITV Breakfast, down -1.3% and 0.6%, respectively.
Thursday saw Emmerdale step up its campaign for national dominance. After Wednesday’s hour long special, last night brought two helpings of small town drama with Coronation Street’s absence creating the perfect storm for ITV.
ITV has warned users with ad-blocking software that it will be preventing them from watching content via ITV Player.