The third and final Diamond Queen won the peak-hour ratings for BBC One last night with more than six million viewers.
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So the Grammy’s unsurprisingly (I will explain why I say it that way in a moment) set all sorts of records for social TV. Just like the Superbowl did a few weeks ago. I call this a big yawner, but first, some definitions…
BBC One’s Sherlock and Call The Midwife topped January’s programme rankings with 10.7 million viewers each.
When the social media boom first emerged around three years ago, I attended several conferences where the phrase “word of mouth is the new television” was bandied about with hardly a murmur (apart from my good self). It is patently nonsense and completely fails to recognise that, far from being in competition, television plus social media is a match made in heaven.
Dan Brilot, media consulting director at YouGov, reveals key insights about the connected TV market, which signal a significant change over the course of 2012…
Bjarne Thelin is to step down as chief executive of TV audience measurement body Barb at the end of the year.
Channel 4’s Big Fat Gypsy Wedding won the all-important peak-hour ratings with a high of more than five million viewers last night.
BBC One’s penultimate Diamond Queen banked the top peak-hour ratings last night with a high of almost six million viewers.
England’s 19-15 win over Italy attracted a peak audience of 6.7 million viewers for BBC One on Saturday afternoon.
Online video is winning brands credibility and kudos with consumers, according to new research from Specific Media, with brand interest levels and positive associations being built as a result.