A round-up of the weekend’s TV ratings, including the Six Nations rugby matches and the Liverpool v Cardiff City final…
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Pub landlady Karen Murphy has won her court battle with the English Premier League over using a Greek TV decoder to screen football games.
Soaps and football dominated Thursday night’s TV schedule with Coronation Street attracting the biggest audience on ITV1. 7.5 million people tuned in to see the latest drama on the most eventful street in the North.
Rural high-drama was the nation’s choice last night as Emmerdale pulled in the highest number of viewers with an average audience of seven million.
James Grant, UK country manager, VINDICO, says consumers are moving faster than the industry and those who expect ‘little change’ to influence traditional TV advertising by the time the Olympics in Rio come around are going to get caught out…
Despite all the hype and flashing lights surrounding The BRIT Awards 2012, last night viewers couldn’t escape the lure of Tuesday’s slightly less glamorous soap offerings.
Channel 5 enjoyed yet another bumper month of increased revenues in January – up 14.8% on last year. The channel has posted a run of positive results under Richard Desmond’s ownership.
The third and final Diamond Queen won the peak-hour ratings for BBC One last night with more than six million viewers.
So the Grammy’s unsurprisingly (I will explain why I say it that way in a moment) set all sorts of records for social TV. Just like the Superbowl did a few weeks ago. I call this a big yawner, but first, some definitions…
BBC One’s Sherlock and Call The Midwife topped January’s programme rankings with 10.7 million viewers each.