In response to Derek Jones’ Standing out in a world of TV clutter article, John Billett, director and owner of, wonders why so many media businesses fail to market themselves…
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ITV1’s long-running crime drama Midsomer Murders attracted the highest ratings during the all-important peak slot yesterday with a high of 4.9 million viewers.
BBC One’s new three-part nature programme Lost Land of the Tiger debuted with more than 4.9 million peak viewers last night.
There is much speculation around the American press in the last day or so regarding a deal struck between Apple and Rovi.
Technology companies are seeking a foothold in the television advertising market. According to an article in the Wall Street Journal, technology companies are looking to offer ads on their connected-TV services.
A high of more than 5.6 million viewers tuned in to the BBC One during last night’s 9pm to 10pm peak-hour to see the latest series of Spooks.
informitv’s William Cooper comments on the new Toshiba and Netgem ‘multifunction adapter’ (set-top box) – the latest development in the exciting world of internet-enabled television…
News International and Sky will control 50% of the newspaper and television markets by somewhere between 2015 and 2020, according to media analyst Claire Enders.
The final X Factor audition show attracted 11.6 million peak viewers last night – the highest ratings of the weekend.
In a week that saw Project Canvas given a new (real) name, YouView, and a launch date (by July 2011); further discussion of 3D and some potential delays to 3D growth; and more revealed about Google TV, it’s a comment from William Cooper that I think is worth dwelling on…