It seems that hopes of an advertising recovery in the second half are rapidly diminishing. ITV giant Granada this morning admitted it could see no end to the downturn (see Continued Ad Revenue Woe At Granada, But Results Are Top End Of Predictions), echoing comments made by Carlton Communications a few weeks ago (see Carlton… Continue reading Insight Analysis: Ad Downturn Could Get Worse Before It Gets Better
More Ad Revenue Europe articles
According to a new report, “Europe Looks Beyond th Banner Ad”, the Yankee Group predict that online advertising revenue in Western Europe will rise from $1.5 billion in 2001 to $4.2 billion by 2006. During this time, banner ads are predicted to decline in popularity and the proportion of banner ads to all online advertising… Continue reading European Online Advertising Market To Quadruple
One of the key political battlegrounds in the approach to the 7 June general election has been the extent to which the UK should be in (and indeed out of) Europe. Whilst a number of committed EU nations are saying goodbye to their old coins and notes and beginning to embrace the Euro, the UK… Continue reading Insight Analysis: Top UK Readers Lead Euro Media Survey
According to a recent report by Jupiter Media Metrix, online advertising prices will continue to fall for six months to come keeping media buyers in their strong buying position. Over the past year, prices have already fallen by 30%. In June 2000, advertisers were paying an average of e30 for 1000 page impressions, currenly they… Continue reading Online Ad Prices Still Dropping, Says Jupiter
In its April edition of the top 10 global ad markets, AdAge Global concludes that the order is likely to stay the same for 2002, with some shifts in market value. According to a report from FIPP, the US ad market is forecast to drop 1.6% to £133.6 billion in 2002, whilst Japan is expected… Continue reading UK Ad Market Value To Remain Flat In 2002, US To Show Slight Decline
According to new figures from IDC the development of new technologies in the telecommunications sector is set to continue with ‘minutes of use’ (MOU) in Western Europe set to rise from 91.5 million per year in 1999 to 47 billion in 2004. During the same period, revenue will rise from $11 million to $2.5 billion,… Continue reading European IP Telephony Services Revenue Will Exceed $2.5 Billion By 2004
The growth of online business-to-business (B2b) trading Europe is being hampered by legal worries, according to a new report from Forrester Research. The study found that there is currently insufficient security legislation in Europe that applies to corporate users. E-marketplaces, for example, are not required to run online security layers or even to guarantee that… Continue reading European Online B2B Trading Hampered By Security Worries
Recent research by Datamonitor claims that internet games on mobile phones are set to be a huge success in Europe and the US and estimate that 200 million people will be playing these games by 2005. The most popular games will be the old classics: card games, quizzes and bingo but mobile game players will… Continue reading Wireless Gaming Worth $6bn By 2005