Internet advertising in Germany is set to rise by 20% by the end of this year, according to a new study from Prognos, conducted on behalf of media sales company, SevenOne Media. The report says that online ads will account for 3.5% of the total German advertising market. Interactive television is forecast to show a… Continue reading German Online Advertising To Grow 20% In 2002
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French media and advertising group Havas is expecting 2002 to be another year of negative growth in the worldwide ad market, with CEO Alain de Pouzilhac forecasting a 0-2% decline. The US is forecast to fall by 1.5% and Europe by 2.0%, de Pouzilhac told an analysts’ meeting. Nevertheless, Havas expects that its top 25… Continue reading Havas Sees Worldwide Ad Decline Of 2% In 2002
Italian advertising spend dropped by 13.2% in November 2001, according to the latest figures from ACNielsen, compiled by analysts at ABN Amro, who had themselves predicted a decline of 14.5%. Newspapers were the hardest hit medium, falling by 19.7%, although this is much better than the 30.2% decline the broker had forecast. Magazines, on the… Continue reading Italian Ad Market Drops 13% In November
European advertisers and marketers are more upbeat about the economic prospects for 2002 than are consumers, according to a survey from agency network OMD Europe released this month. Just 5% of marketers intend to cut their budgets this year, whilst a third of the 500 working consumers questioned, said that they will be reigning in… Continue reading European Advertisers Confident On 2002 Budgets
In a report published this morning, ABN AMRO released downgraded advertising forecasts for the European and Global markets saying that no recovery was yet evident. Q3 advertising growth in Europe fell slightly more than ABN was expecting, 7.6% against ABN’s forecast of 7.5%. This was largely due to a greater than anticipated drop in the… Continue reading No Upturn In European Advertising, Says ABN AMRO
The percentage of UK households that connect to the internet via a broadband system is currently lower than a many other European countries, notably the Nordic nations, according to data from NetValue. The research shows that Sweden and Denmark are leading the way for broadband Europe, with 13.8% and 13.2% of households connected respectively. The… Continue reading UK Lags Behind Nordic Countries In Broadband Internet Access
Continued weaknesses in the advertising market have led ABN Amro to downgrade its 2001 and 2002 earnings per share forecasts for VNU by 4% and 10% respectively. The broker says that visibility for the business information group remains low as advertising in the business magazines sector is still weak. VNU’s US magazine division saw revenues… Continue reading ABN Amro Downgrades VNU Forecasts But Is Positive On Long-Term Future
The Italian advertising market, the only remaining growth market in Europe just a few months ago (see Forecasts and Forecasts), is now showing a continuing downward trend. The latest ACNielsen data, analysed by ABN Amro, show a 7.3% decline in ad revenues during July. The majority of this was felt in the radio and newspaper… Continue reading Once Strong Italian Ad Market Now Shows Downward Trend
Interim results released by French broadcaster TF1 today show a deteriorating outlook for the second half of the year. The company is now expecting a 3-5% decline in advertising revenues for the whole of 2001. Given that there was a 0.2% growth at the interim stage, this implies a fall in ad revenues of between… Continue reading European Broadcasters’ Outlook Slumps As Ad Visibility Remains Poor
French advertising across the major media declined by 4.3% during July, according to analysis of the latest data from Secodip by ABN Amro. This is well below the broker’s forecast of a 1.2% fall. TV performed better than expected with a drop of 3.3%, whilst press and radio’s performances were poorer than anticipated with declines… Continue reading French Advertising Down 4.3% In July