The advertising market is now showing some signs of improvement, albeit tentative. At the beginning of the month, Doug Flynn, CEO of ad network Aegis, said that the market is improving more quickly than had been predicted just a few months earlier. Flynn is in a good position to call market changes, according to ABN… Continue reading Insight Analysis: Media Healthcheck – July 2002
More Ad Revenue Europe articles
The Netherlands has the strongest advertising market growth of the main western European nations and is the only country expected to show a positive growth this year, according to the latest forecasts from Zenith Media. The Netherlands showed the lowest decline in ad growth in 2001, at -2.3%, and is set to outperform the other… Continue reading European Ad Forecasts From Zenith Media
The latest global and regional advertising forecasts from Merrill Lynch are shown here. Global advertising revenues are expected to decline by 1.3% this year, returning to a growth of 4.0% in 2003. Japan is the poorest performing region this year, with a predicted 4.0% decline; the US is the only region to show positive growth… Continue reading Global And Regional Advertising Forecasts From Merrill Lynch
The latest European magazine and newspaper advertising growth forecasts from Zenith Media, compiled by Merrill Lynch, are shown here. European magazine adspend has been revised down to -2.2% for 2002, from the December forecast of 0.8% growth. For 2003, the forecast has been reduced from 2.9% to 2.5%. Newspapers have been cut back from 1.0%… Continue reading European Press Advertising Forecasts From Zenith Media
A comparison of the latest global and regional advertising forecasts is shown here, along with previous data. Most regions have been revised upwards in the latest set of figures, in line with a gradually improving advertising marketplace. Advertising Forecasts Comparisons Area 2001A Previous 2002F … Continue reading Global And Regional Advertising Growth Forecast Comparisons
The 2002 projections issued by Universal McCann this week follow the trend of recent studies predicting a limited revival in advertising market conditions. Robert Coen, director of forecasting at the global media agency, anticipates an increase of 2.1% in US adspend and there is growing confidence about prospects for next year. In fact, Coen has… Continue reading Coen Predicts ‘Modest’ Adspend Growth
The advertising market is improving more quickly than was predicted just a few months ago, Doug Flynn, CEO of Aegis, has told the Wall Street Journal in interview. The paper reports that Aegis is now expecting US adspend to rise 1.5% in 2002, up from a previous forecast of -0.2%. Whilst Asia is also predicted… Continue reading Aegis Chief Sees Improvement In Media Spending
Despite expectations of the beginning of a recovery in advertising market conditions in the second half of the year, the outlook still remains decidedly unclear. A US mid-year media conference last month heard key players talk about the bottom of the recession, rather than the beginning of a period of genuinely strong growth. This assessment… Continue reading Insight Analysis: Media Healthcheck – June 2002
As anticipated, there was little encouragement for the beleagured advertising market in the new forecasts issued by Zenith Optimedia today. The media agency sees no prospect of a revival this year, claiming that worldwide expenditure will fall by 0.5% and by 2.7% in real terms. This is in addition to the decline in 2001, when,… Continue reading Ad Recovery Still Not Imminent, Says Zenith Optimedia
Global advertising agency, Interpublic Group (IPG), has indicated that its revenue will be down in the high, single-digit percentages for the second quarter of the year, indicating that the slow recovery may not yet be wide-reaching. IPG had previously forecast that its revenues will be flat year on year for the full year 2002. However,… Continue reading Interpublic Says Ad Revenues Remain Down, Visibility Poor