Perhaps as a result of the election, May was a reasonably stable month for national newspapers – with a rare sight of (very modest) growth in the Sunday market. Here are Newsline’s key take-outs.
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The Daily Mail continues its unrivalled dominance with a combined print, PC and mobile readership of 29 million, with mobile now accounting for a significantly higher proportion of its readership than print and PC.
The latest findings from NRS PADD, which cover the period April 2014 – March 2015, paint a healthy picture for magazines, with mobile and tablet playing an increasingly significant part in magazine readership.
Starting April with a spring in their step, UK commercial broadcasters recorded healthy increases in revenue, with all but one down on the previous year.
This month saw big audience ratings for ITV with the return of Britain’s Got Talent, Safe House, Ninja Warrior and General Election Leaders’ Debate.
In its second consecutive month of decline, MailOnline was down -2.32%, keeping its total audience under 14 million.
As Rajar publishes its first quarter results for the radio market, Newsline presents a full round-up for the national stations and networks and the digital and breakfast markets.
The share of all radio listening via a digital platform now stands at 39.6%, up from 36.6% for the corresponding period last year.
Global, Bauer and BBC Radio 2 all record quarterly declines – but still look undeniably strong.
The relentless general election coverage during April appears to have had little impact on national newspaper circulations, according to the latest ABC release, with no titles recording any significant changes.