Consumer tolerance of ads varies by age, channel, content genre and even whether it is viewed with others.
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The broadcaster is anticipating a year-on-year fall due in part to fewer bookings as a result of uncertainty in the lead-up to the UK budget.
ITV’s business development director and creative production lead discuss the development and effectiveness of their new ads produced with generative AI.
Tech is radically changing media and advertising, but our first Future of Media Manchester event reminded us that what matters most to creativity and sales is the same now as it was 200 years ago, writes the editor-in-chief.
ITV is set to launch two TV ads which have been created using generative AI and wants to sell more of them to small businesses.
Jack Benjamin and Omar Oakes discuss the major stories of the past week, including the proposed sale of The Observer to Tortoise Media, scenes from recent Radiocentre, Thinkbox and Who Cares? events, and product updates from Meta and Snap.
Six full-day sessions will focus on different business functions at the agency and the opportunity to respond to a live brief.
The broadcaster’s commercial boss urged UK advertisers to push back against plans by Isba to use non-Barb TV audience data in its cross-media measurement initiative ahead of trials.
The broadcasters are set to launch a joint measurement panel aimed at tracking the short-term impact of TV advertising on sales in a move they say will give the sector “the measurement it deserves”.
Media companies rebrand often, with widely varying degrees of success. Here are 13 recent rebrands, inclusive of successes and stinkers.