The uproar over Havas winning the Shell account is hypocritical. If we’re all so perfect, why are any of us in an industry that promotes consumption and waste?
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Living circumstances might be “more likely” to indicate purchase preferences than age demographics, new research has found.
Use AI to enhance creativity, not replace it. Truly disruptive marketing comes from human insight and ingenuity, argues Wavemaker UK’s chief strategy and planning officer.
It appears global forces are reshaping our behaviours and preferences, and businesses will need to adapt their brand strategies alongside them.
Faux OOH could complement Foundational and Special OOH activations, but it’s not quite the same thing in some powerful, if subconscious, ways.
Don’t settle for mediocre media strategies. Embedding your agency team within your marketing department can deliver impactful campaigns that drive meaningful growth.
Strategy Leaders: Retailers, it’s time to connect with your customers, become more personal, embrace sustainability, and infuse creativity into your brand, writes Havas Media UK’s head of strategy.
Traditional media channels offer high-quality environments and better chances of attention, but digital channels are often accepted or ignored despite concerns around ad quality and effectiveness.
Saturation and economic factors are limiting investment and increase competition. TV buyers must consider additional audience research and varied channel mixes, writes VCCP Media’s AV director.
Both the 60/40 and 95/5 rules appear to share a family resemblance, but they couldn’t be more different. Marketers and media planners should engage with both rather than choose either one as ‘better’.