Mindshare UK set to reposition its press department to publishing to keep pace with a rapidly evolving multi-platform market.
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After 37 years at the company, Sylvia Auton has announced her retirement as CEO of IPC Media and will step down this coming May.
In a world where seemingly every other thought from Joe Public is, often on a whim, published for the world to see and as newspapers lose their grip over their long-held monopoly setting nationwide opinion, Raymond Snoddy looks at how social media has revolutionised public debate – and charts its pitfalls after a busy week of terrible tweets and censored comments.
Inky fingers, immunity to ads and a near religious use of Twitter: yesterday saw MediaTel and Channel 4 host the third annual Youth, Media & Technology event where a panel of five brutally honest teenagers entertained, informed and made the packed audience laugh endlessly. Find out what they had to say…
Jim Marshall argues that newspapers still retain their potency for reporting and commenting on major news stories, despite those who suggest that newspapers are doomed. But this brings with it a responsibility which has greater significance and accountability in today’s ‘multi layered’ world of media – if newspapers are going to continue to be a gateway medium what they say has to be true.
Yahoo has made a millionaire out of 17 year-old app developer Nick D’Aloisio with the purchase of his news summary app, Summly – and although Raymond Snoddy says it’s great that news is being made more accessible via mobile devices – it’s a little less good that quality, journalistic content is being turned into convenient bullet points.
The Daily Telegraph is set to launch a metered paywall for its website following a successful trial of the system.
At a packed Media Playground event in central London yesterday, David Rowan, UK editor of WIRED, said that exponential advances in technology means that small teams of people can now achieve what only governments and multinationals could once accomplish – in a talk that looked at the future of publishing, the rise of the nerd and the 3D printing of synthetic meat…
With more than 20 million readers, The Daily Mail shows its dominance as a newsbrand in the latest NRS PADD report combining both print and online platforms.
The newspaper industry had already swallowed many tough proposals, but the balance has now been tipped so unacceptably against them that the future course is clear: The Government insists this is a self-regulatory body – if that is so then membership is by definition voluntary and all the leading newspaper groups have to do is…nothing. By Raymond Snoddy.