Johnston Press has reported a decline in total revenues in quarter 3, as its reports that trading in the second half of 2012 has been even more challenging than in the first.
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The overall daily newspaper market was down -8.7% YoY and -1.2% PoP in October, with just one title enjoying a increase in circulation over the year. Independent’s sister title i posted a 44.1% YoY rise during the month (up by more than 93,000 copies) and now has a total circulation of 305,000 copies.Two daily titles… Continue reading ABC National Newspaper Round-Up: October 2012
Patricia Kill of Trish Kill Consulting, gives her perspective on the recent MediaTel Electronic Trading Debate.
News Corporation reports profit that beats analysts’ forecasts, mainly due to its broadcasting activities offsetting declines in publishing.
Neil Sharman, head of research and analysis, Telegraph Media Group, says that those advertising 4G networks and handsets have the benefit of foresight on their side…
Media commentators across all forms of media are filling time and space with analysis and minute-by-minute coverage of the US Election. Moreover, the British media report that the result is too close to call.
Despite his reputation as a pioneer of social media campaigning, President Barack Obama may be influencing fewer voters through 21st century technology than his Republican rival Mitt Romney, according to new research undertaken by Mindshare.
Following news last week from France, Germany is the latest European country to discuss letting newspaper publishers charge internet search engines for displaying links to their articles
FT sees digital subscriptions rise 17% to 313,000.
EE dominates newspaper pages today and every digital outdoor site in the UK, as part of its £100 million 4G launch campaign.