Following yesterday’s harsh criticism of Rupert Murdoch and his company’s conduct by a UK parliamentary committee, Rupert Murdoch has sent the following email through to all staff at his UK newspapers to tell them that the company will put the phone hacking scandal behind them.
More Press articles
Raymond Snoddy on the confusion of conflicting and overlapping investigations. The select committee may have now had its (divided) say, but we still have Ofcom, Leveson, the police… and the forgotten Communications Green Paper to come.
According to a blog post by Mark Kleinman, City editor at Sky News, which does not appear to have been widely reported elsewhere, a “clutch of prominent City financiers is in talks to back the launch of a Sunday tabloid newspaper aimed at sating an appetite for salacious celebrity gossip that was once met by the News of the World.”
In an enthralling week at the Leveson Inquiry, a “bonus” column from Raymond Snoddy takes stock of Rupert Murdoch’s testimony and considers where next. “We can look forward to Leveson causing even more headlines and further pandemonium when Hunt and Cameron appear before him and take the oath.”
Some of the best #Leveson tweets during Rupert Murdoch’s grilling today…
Raymond Snoddy wonders what we have really learnt about phone-hacking and the relationship between the media and politicians from the remarkable appearances of both James and Rupert Murdoch before the Leveson inquiry?
The best of this afternoon’s #Leveson tweets as the day draws to a close and James Murdoch steps down from the dock (to make way for his dad tomorrow)…
From the early exchanges – as far as we can recall… #leveson
Raymond Snoddy says it may be economically impossible to sustain daily publication of small regional papers but the jolt from daily to weekly is an abrupt one and it is a gap that may not be adequately met by online…
The PPA are giving the public a chance to choose a magazine ‘Cover of the Year’ for the upcoming PPA Awards. See some of the entries here…