So 2011 was the year of newspapers… and with the Leveson inquiry and police investigations continuing, it is hard to see “Hackgate” being off the news agenda.
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Newsweek is planning to dedicate an entire issue – including the ads – to the US hit series Mad Men.
The daily newspaper market saw circulation figures fall -1.8% PoP and -4.4% YoY in December.
Raymond Snoddy: ‘The Editors’, both present and former, turned out to be a motley lot with no coherent view, either of the world or media regulation, at the Leveson inquiry this week. But, fear not, help is at hand – bring on the politicians…
News Corp shares rose to a 52-week record in the year’s first week of trading – topping the highs it reached before the phone-hacking scandal in July.
Trinity Mirror has acquired digital communications company Communicator Corp for £8 million.
The New York Times partnership with Ralph Lauren to sponsor the newspaper’s iPad app has been deemed a success.
Raymond Snoddy: If the behaviour of NotW journalists should turn out to be only bad, shocking, disgraceful and illegal as opposed to be beyond the pale of anything recognisably human, we have to wonder whether the Leveson inquiry has been set up on what is at least partially a false premise?
Jim Marshall reviews the trials and tribulations of the press during the past year, but says it might just be that we will look back on 2012 as a year when newspapers became resurgent…
The daily newspaper market saw circulation figures fall -1.8% PoP and -6.8% YoY in November. Just two dailies posted an increase in sales – the Daily Mail and i.