An overview of performances by publisher, focusing on some of the triumphs and disappointments of the leading consumer magazine publishers over the July to December 2011 ABC period.
More Press articles
Free title John Lewis Edition has overtaken Condé Nast’s Glamour at the top of the Women’s Lifestyle sector, after the handbag-sized magazine saw sales fall -12.0% PoP and -6.8% YoY.
Egmont Publishing Group has today announced it will expand its magazine portfolio with the launch of Bin Weevils magazine. The magazine will be an extension to the online entertainment platform, which is the second most visited website in the UK for children aged 7 to 13 (with a 91% growth in users over the past 12 months).
Raymond Snoddy says the very least the marketing community can do is realise where self-interest lies and stand more vociferously behind The Sun… and its three million daily sales and the £200 million a year advertising revenue it attracts…
Julia Hutchison, COO of APA, says digital formats have bolstered the content marketing industry…
The daily newspaper market is down -8.1% on January 2011, with just one title seeing a year on year increase.
Greg Grimmer on his grim night at the ANNAs; a far happier print experience with the excellent commercial team from the Guardian; and why there is so much love and affection for the newspaper sector…
Raymond Snoddy says whatever the outcome of Leveson, the debate will continue forever over what is fair, what is reasonable, and what is in the public interest and what is not…
The UK’s national newspaper websites saw usage figures fall in December, with almost all audited sites recording a drop, with the exception of The Independent.The Independent was the only site to record an increase during the Christmas month, up 11.0% on November.However, all the other websites in our analysis posted percentage declines. suffered the… Continue reading ABC December 2011: Newspaper sites see usage drop in December
MailOnline has become the world’s largest English-language newspaper site with a total reach of 45.3 million people, according to comScore.