James Murdoch has stepped down as executive chairman of News International. However, he will remain as deputy chief operating officer of parent group News Corporation.
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Raymond Snoddy says despite the relentless rise of social media what comes through loud and clear is the importance, and at least for now, the continuing dominance, of print at the heart of the brand…
Trinity Mirror suffered the most at the hands of the new Sunday edition of The Sun. Following Rupert Murdoch’s tweet telling 190,000 followers that the first edition of The Sun on a Sunday sold 3,260,000 copies.
Rupert Murdoch has just tweeted: “Amazing! The Sun confirmed sales of 3.260,000 copies yesterday. Thanks all readers and advertisers. Sorry if sold out – more next time.”
Rupert Murdoch claims the first edition of the Sunday Sun sold three million copies. Last night he tweeted: “Reports early, but new Sun edition sold 3m!”. Media agencies – ZenithOptimedia, MEC, Carat UK and Mike Colling & Company – give their verdicts here…
James Whitmore, managing director at Postar, wonders whether we have forgotten the value of brands? Are we so dazzled by the short-term, the data and the noise that we have lost sight of the bigger picture?
The quality market titles, both the dailies and Sundays, were among the biggest losers in readership terms in 2011. The FT saw its readership fall by -12.9% YoY in 2011, while the Times lost 180,000 readers during the one-year period (-11.5%). The Sunday Times also saw its readership drop -10.1% (-297,000 readers).
The UK’s national newspaper websites saw usage figures increase during January after December’s slump, with almost all audited sites recording a rise, with the exception of The Independent.
Raymond Snoddy says the instinctive Murdoch has chosen the lowest point in morale at The Sun, amid loose talk of the need for a second closure because of illegality, to provide the biggest boost of confidence of all…
In light of the recent announcement that News International will launch the Sun on Sunday this weekend, Newsline gathered thoughts from two leading media agencies.