Despite a fairly successful night for the BBC, I’m a Celebrity, Get Me Out of Here! attracted a peak of 8.9 million viewers across it’s ITV1 and ITV1 HD channels in it’s hour and a half show.
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Channel 4 have released their monthly report for October’s Video on Demand consumption, revealing a rise of one million views from September.
Anyone with even a vague interest in the future of newspapers should pause for a moment and ponder the fate of two small newspapers in Kent – the Medway News and the East Kent Gazette.
The BBC’s chief operating Officer, Caroline Thompson, has stated that the reversal of the planned 280 job cuts to local radio is not “out of the question”.
Monday’s television viewing was dominated with the usual mixture of soaps and reality shows, with ITV1 winning the battle for the nation’s remotes. The evening started off strong with Emmerdale, the soap about sleepy village life, grabbing 31% of the audience share for that time.
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Channel 5 once again saw its year on year revenue increase significantly, up 39.2% on October 2010.
ITV’s I’m a Celebrity, Get Me Out of Here! scored high with the ratings last night, averaging 8.3 million viewers and 33% of the audience share across both ITV1 and ITV1 HD channels.
PVR specialists TiVO have recorded an increase of 117,000 additional subscriptions to their service at the end of Q3 2011 reaching a total of 2.04 million net subscriptions.