The development of a US cross-media measurement solution will now be the responsibility of Aquila.
Havas Media Network UK will feed into the UK cross-media measurement initiative’s future product scope and involve its clients in beta trials.
Samsung Ads will shape how CTV is integrated into Origin’s cross-media measurement initiative.
Isba’s cross-media measurement plan is too big to not work. But advertisers are restless and frustrated.
The proven power of TV and the level-playing field argument are pretty compelling reasons to participate in Origin’s cross-media measurement solution, writes the ISBA-backed initiative’s CEO.
In brief: Origin, the UK’s cross-media measurement initiative, has issued a RfP to identify potential vendors to create industry television ad logs for UK commercial TV channels.
If TV broadcasters choose to be excluded, they will miss the opportunity to shape how their medium should be planned.
One of the UK’s biggest TV broadcasters has criticised landmark proposals to put an ad levy on advertisers in order to fund Origin, ISBA’s cross-media measurement initiative.
Despite advertisers being in “violent agreement” that Origin should happen, the practical problems of making it reality also came to the fore.
BARB’s CEO reflects on the progress it and Project Origin have made without the participation of the online platforms.