Confirmation that the worldwide advertising market is in recovery has come from the latest Ad Barometer report from Interdeco, although the research group cautions that there will be ‘no going back to the 90s frenzy’. According to the report, 2004 will finish up with a growth of 5.3%, a figure that has been revised up… Continue reading Global Advertising Recovery Confirmed
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The summer Olympics and presidential election has resulted in a significant expansion in ad demand in the US in 2004 and the upward trend is expected to continue in 2005, says global advertising agency Universal McCann. Bob Coen, director of forecasting says he now can predict that US and overseas companies will experience a slightly… Continue reading Universal McCann Predicts Positive Outlook For 2005
ZenithOptimedia has revised upwards it global advertising spending forecast for this year from 4.2% to 6.2% as worldwide advertising confidence holds despite oil and consumer uncertainties. After Zenith’s cautious forecasts in April, the group returned to its crystal ball and has revised all global predictions upwards. The updated report says, by 2005 the global advertising… Continue reading Zenith Predicts Ad Market To Grow By 6.2% In 2004
The global advertising recovery is slower than expected said a new report from Merrill Lynch and predicted a global advertising growth forecast of up to 5% in 2005, with Europe lagging behind both the worldwide average and the US with an expected 3% – 4% growth. In the latest Advertising and Marketing Services report, Merrill… Continue reading Europe Lags Behind 2005 Worldwide Ad Recovery Forecast
European advertising growth is expected to grow by over 4% in the next year and overtake the US, according to a revised outlook from ZenithOptimedia. The media agency has today announced that it has updated its European advertising forecast to 4.2% from 3.7%, after its 2003 Europe-wide prediction of 1.8% was beaten when growth reached… Continue reading European Ad Market To Grow By Over 4%
Local advertising in the US slowed in April with newspaper and radio revenue results not performing as well as the previous month but this isn’t something to make too much of, says Merrill Lynch, as the outlook for the summer months remains positive. Merrill Lynch thinks that the drop in newspaper revenues during April was… Continue reading Merrill Lynch Remains Positive About Summer US Ad Market
The advertising market in Europe will remain ‘less vibrant’ in 2004 but can expect ‘greater pick up’ in 2005, says Merrill Lynch.Looking ahead, the Merrill Lynch quarter one industry report says, that advertising and marketing services in Europe can expect to see greater pick up in 2005 when compared to results for the rest of… Continue reading Europe To See Ad Market Pick Up In 2005
The majority of Europeans think that there are ‘too many and too boring’ advertisements surrounding them everyday, says a new report from GFK Marktforschung. A survey on people’s attitudes and preferences regarding advertising shows that all European respondents, regardless of country, agree that they are exposed to far too much advertising and most of it… Continue reading Europeans Want More Entertaining Adverts
The long-awaited global advertising recovery is now underway and the market is set to rise by 3.2% to $244,535 million in 2004 says a new report from Zenith Optimedia. This forecast is based on the eight countries with the largest advertising markets, these are; USA, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, the UK and Japan. In… Continue reading Advertising Marketing Set To Grow By 3.2%
The worldwide advertising market recovery is underway for good says the latest Ad Barometer report from Interdeco. The market turnaround has forced advertising researchers at Interdeco to revise their previous forecasts upwards. In October 2003, Interdeco said the global market would grow by 3.2% in 2004, but this has now been revised to 4.0%. Assessment… Continue reading Market Recovery Is Back For Good Says Ad Barometer