Global display advertising expenditure will rise by 4.7% next year, with Europe and the UK under-performing the average whilst the US continues to drive the recovery. According to the latest set of forecasts from ZenithOptimedia, the UK’s major media spend will rise by 3.2% in 2004 in current currency terms; this follows a 1.1% rise… Continue reading Conditions Are Firming For Ad Recovery, Says ZenithOptimedia
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There were further signs of an upturn in the advertising market during November as industry bodies reported increased revenues and media bosses pronounced themselves content with the pace of growth. 2003 has been a mixed year but it is ending on a high note and indications for the next twelve months are broadly positive. Jerry… Continue reading INSIGHTanalysis: Media Healthcheck – November 2003
The European online display advertising market will grow by 12.5% to â‚Ź793 million in 2003 and almost double by 2008 to â‚Ź1.4 billion, according to a new report from Forrester Research. Forrester defines online display advertising as banner ads, sponsorships, slotting fees, interstitials and rich media. The combined revenue from these formats is expected to… Continue reading European Online Display Market To Double By 2008
Advertising and marketing spend rose by 7.1% in 2002, according to a survey of the top 100 marketers compiled by US trade magazine AdAge. AdAge says that this increase in spend shows how the world’s leading marketers ‘weathered’ slow growth and the uncertain global economic and political conditions. During 2001, marketing spend declined by 2.6%… Continue reading Global Marketing Spend Rises 7% In 2002
Confirmation came this month that the advertising industry is finally ‘climbing out of the bath’. This somewhat curious assessment comes from WPP’s chief Sir Martin Sorrell, who has used a bath-tub description to depict the fortunes of the industry during the downturn. A marked decline was followed by a long period of flat growth and… Continue reading INSIGHTanalysis: Media Healthcheck – October 2003
Advertising spend across Europe’s six major markets will be virtually flat this year but the improving economic situation should ensure stronger increases from 2004. The PricewaterhouseCoopers report, Entertainment And Media Outlook: 2003-2007 Europe analysed advertising conditions in France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Spain and the UK and noted broadly similar trends. Traditionally, advertising has outstripped… Continue reading European Adspend Trails GDP Growth, Says PwC
Spending on entertainment and media in Europe’s largest economies will grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 3.4% between now and 2007, according to a report published by PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC). The global professional services firm calculates that total media and entertainment spending in six key countries (UK, France, Germany, Italy, Spain and the… Continue reading European E&M Industry To Remain Buoyant, Says Report
Worldwide advertising expenditure will rise by 1.7% this year and by 3.2% in 2004, driven by a stronger market in the United States, according to the latest Ad Barometer report from Interdeco. The figures concur with recent commentary that conditions in Europe are weaker, whilst the US markets continue to show more positive growth. European… Continue reading Global Advertising Forecasts From Ad Barometer
The standardisation of online advertising formats came a step closer today as the European Interactive Advertising Association (EIAA) and the Interactive Advertising Bureau Europe (IAB Europe) launched a new initiative to promote global consistency. The two groups are hoping that the development of a set of standard formats will make online as easy to plan,… Continue reading Industry Bodies Herald Standard Online Ads
On the whole the advertising market is heading in the right direction, with confidence and trading figures a little better now than they were six months ago. This is evidenced by comments from WPP‘s Sir Martin Sorrell, one of the industry’s most venerable and (generally) cautious market callers. Sorrell recently told a media conference that… Continue reading INSIGHTanalysis: Media Healthcheck – September 2003