According to a report by Screen Digest, there will be an estimated 10,000 digital cinema screens worldwide by 2005 and within 20 years all cinemas will have switched to digital. The report also predicts that by 2004 almost 100% of major Hollywood studio films will be available both in digital and conventional format. Instead of… Continue reading E-Cinema Will Boost Cinema Advertising By E250 Million Annually, Says Screen Digest
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Cinema, a newfangled miracle at the start of the last century, began this one as decidedly old media. Yet despite an increasing number of rivals for adspend and even the role of showing movies, the medium has held onto, even increased its place in the industry.The last fifteen years have seen a steady increase in… Continue reading Feature: Cinema Is Still Going Strong
UK cinema admissions are predicted to reach 148m during 2001, an increase of 4% year on year, according to the latest figures from the Cinema Advertising Association. Revenue for the medium is also on the increase, pushed by a more adult and female orientated film product. Admissions rose by 3% in the first quarter, compared… Continue reading Cinema Admission To Reach
Cinema admissions in Britain boomed in 2001, rising by more than 9% on 2000 with 155.9 million tickets sold. This represents a 30 year high for the cinema industry and comes alongside box office revenues of £645 million, up 12.6% year on year, according to the Cinema Advertising Association (CAA). This growth is perhaps in… Continue reading Insight Analysis: British Cinema – Admissions Strong, Profits Weak
UK online advertising revenue was for the first time greater than revenue to cinema during 2000, according to a new survey from the Internet Advertising Bureau (IAB) and PricewaterhouseCoopers. The survey shows that internet advertising – in the UK at least – is continuing to grow at a faster rate than any other media previously.… Continue reading UK Online Revenue Overtakes Cinema In 2000
Source: Optimedia, January 2001 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 £m 123 135 146 157 168 177 % increase year on year 27% 10% 8% 8% 7% 5% Estimated CPT £39.65 £42.35 £45.36 £49.00 £52.42 £56.09 Media Inflation (%) 8% 7% 7% 8% 7% 7%