The ITC has confirmed today that the regional Channel 3 licence for South- West England has been granted to Westcountry Television Limited.Although the licence was initially awarded to Westcountry in October 1991, the grant was dependent on the outcome of the judicial review application by TSW. This was dismissed by the House of Lords on… Continue reading ITC Grants Westcountry Licence
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The ITC has announced its intention to advertise the Channel 5 licence at the beginning of April.Following the advertisement and the issuing of the Invitation to Apply, applicants will have three months to submit their applications.The ITC is now satisfied that potential applicants are aware of the extent of the problemsassociated with retuning or modifying… Continue reading Channel 5 Advertised In April
BARB has finally issued a summary of the results of the last four weeks of the parallel run, comparing old and new panels.Definitive comparisons can only be based upon the final four weeks to 4 August, since these represented the period where the size of the panels and the classification of panel homes were at… Continue reading Currency Convertor Issued
The European Commission has said that, with the exception of tobacco advertising, it will make no further attempts to restrict press advertising.The European Publishers’ Association had been concerned that restrictions on alcohol, pharmaceuticals and financial services would be imposed.The EC President, Jacques Delors, confirmed that “Tobacco advertising was a special case and there is no… Continue reading EC To Scrap Further Ad Bans
57% of people felt that programme standards on terrestrial TV had been maintained in 1991, 29% felt that standards had fallen and 11% saw an improvement, according to the findings of a new survey from the ITC, Television: The Public’s View. ITV BBC1 C4 BBC2 90 91 90 91 90 91 90 91 Improved 14… Continue reading Television: The Public’s View
BARB has added five more viewer categories to Database 2. The new groups – satellite receivers, business spenders, pub goers, motorists and shoppers with dogs, were chosen in response to research carried out in November. They will be placed on the Database 2 as soon as possible.A BARB group is now working on the possibility… Continue reading Barb Adds More Viewer Categories
BARB has finally issued a summary of the results of the last four weeks of the parallel run, comparing old and new panels.Definitive comparisons can only be based upon the final four weeks to 4 August, since these represented the period where the size of the panels and the classification of panel homes were at… Continue reading Currency Convertor Issued
Italy’s Silvio Berlusconi has confirmed taht he will be bidding for the UK’s Channel 5 licence when it is advertised this Spring.Berlusconi’s Fininvest is currently putting together a consortium to bid for the franchise, and has joined forces with independent production company Channel X.Fininvest claims that it is also in negotiations with other potential UK… Continue reading Berlusconi Confirms C5 Bid
The House of Lords today refused to quash the ITC’s rejection of TSW’s franchise application.TSW’s managing director Harry Turner expressed the company’s great dis- appointment, but promised “we will continue top provide a quality regional service in the South West until our existing franchise expires at the end of the year. We will also consider… Continue reading TSW Fails In Lords
A ‘hands off’ message will be issued to EC president Jacques Delors in March by representatives from the Press from all 12 EC countries.A delegation from CAEJ, the European Publishers’ Association, will seek assurances on the following points:* That the editorial and advertising content of the Press remains free from centralised EC restrictions* That no… Continue reading Euro Press Warning To EC President