Reach, the UK’s largest newspaper publisher is seeing a ‘strong recovery’ in digital advertising following revenue and profit falls for the first half of the year
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ABC has resumed releasing public circulation figures for UK newsbrands for first time since the nation went into lockdown, and unsurprisingly, circulation has dropped significantly across the board.
Despite the majority of titles seeing their monthly total brand reach (print and digital reach combined) tumble period-on-period, almost all were up over the year.
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Is there a growing intolerance of views that don’t fit a newspaper’s agenda? And are the fine lines of acceptability growing ever finer? Ray Snoddy reports.
As the latest ABC circulation figures are released for the consumer magazine market, Mediatel News presents its round-up of the results.
Despite TV viewing becoming the mainstay of lockdown life, the television listings market continues to witness declines in print circulations
Unsurprisingly, with the nation in lockdown for much of it, the last six months were less than kind to the women’s magazine market. Almost all titles saw their circulations drop significantly, both over the period and over the year.