The BBC has said that the revamp of its digital station, BBC Three, has lured more young viewers to the channel after only a month.The corporation said share amongst 16-34s over the past month was 3.9% – a 44% rise from the same time last year. This is the highest share for 16-34s amongst all… Continue reading BBC Three Reports Positive Results Following Revamp
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MTV UK is collaborating with Sky to produce a limited-edition branded Sky multiroom set-top box.It marks the first time Sky has collaborated with a broadcaster to produce an exclusive bespoke design for a multiroom box, which enables users to have a full Sky service in additional rooms to the one where the main service is… Continue reading MTV And Sky Produce Branded Multiroom Set-Top Box
Freeview sales for 2007 hit an all-time high with 9.7 million Freeview branded products sold, an increase of 64% year-on-year.The Gfk Q4 figures also reflect the success of Christmas sales with 3.8 million purchases, Freeview’s best quarterly figures to date.Freeview Playback, which now accounts for half of the total DTR market received saw sales jump… Continue reading Strong 2007 Sales For Freeview
Global net TV advertising revenues will reach US$123 billion in 2008, up 5.8% on 2007, according to a new report from Informa Telecoms & Media.From this 2008 total, net pay TV advertising will bring in US$18 billion, a figure which has doubled over the last five years. Pay TV will represent 15% of total TV… Continue reading Net TV Ad Revenues Forecast To Rise
Global net TV advertising revenues will reach US$123 billion in 2008, up 5.8% on 2007, according to a new report from Informa Telecoms & Media. From this 2008 total, net pay TV advertising will bring in US$18 billion, a figure which has doubled over the last five years. Pay TV will represent 15% of total… Continue reading Net TV Ad Revenues Forecast To Rise
The BBC has today launched a new version of for mobile devices, which emulates the revamped online version of content on the site includes a new section for BBC Radio 1’s Newsbeat.Matthew Postgate, BBC controller of mobile, said: “The refresh of our mobile browser service comes at a critical moment in the development… Continue reading BBC Launches New Version Of Mobile Website
ITV has signed a deal with Bebo which will give Bebo’s 40 million worldwide users access to premium ITV content.ITV will have a member profile on Bebo, and the ITV profile will host different media channels, each promoting individual programmes.Bebo users will be given the opportunity to become ‘fans’ of programmes, meaning they will be… Continue reading ITV Signs Video Deal With Bebo
The BBC iPlayer has now launched on the iPhone and iPod touch, with the BBC’s head of digital media technologies saying that the Corporation is working on making the iPlayer available more browser-enabled devices over the coming months.Anthony Rose said: “We started with iPhone because it is the device most optimised for high quality video… Continue reading iPlayer Launches On iPhone
ITV1 dominated the ratings on Sunday night, with its prime time shows from 6.30pm to 11pm all pulling in an average adult audience in excess of seven million.Dancing On Ice managed to lure the highest number of viewers of the night, with Over 7.9 million tuning in for the main programme and over 7.7 million… Continue reading ITV1 Dominates Sunday Night’s Ratings
Virgin Media has appointed Neil Berkett to the role of chief executive officer and announced the resignation of its chief financial officer, Jacques Kerrest.Burkett, who been acting chief executive officer since the resignation of Steve Burch in August 2007 (see Virgin Media CEO Steps Down), will also be joining the board of directors.Kerrest, who joined… Continue reading Virgin Media Appoints Chief Executive