Current mobile trends are no real indicator of where we might end up, says Simon Andrews, founder of Addictive! – and the size of the mobile opportunity means that everyone needs to get involved.
Big Data is set to define the future of the media in many ways, says Andy Brown, CEO, Kantar Media – and there is no doubt that all media businesses need to adapt their models now if they are to continue to compete.
David Ogilvy once said that the problem with market research is that people don’t think how they feel, they don’t say what they think and they don’t do what they say. Here, David Brennan tries to untangle the contradictions…
The newspaper and magazine industry has announced that it will be taking its case to the Court of Appeal following a High Court ruling on the press regulation royal charters – but experts say success is unlikely.
As the battle with the politicians over regulation comes to a climax, a touch of paranoia is a vital weapon in ensuring we do not carelessly slip further down the road to a half-free society says Raymond Snoddy.
Thinking Big Data will give you ‘the full, complete and true picture’ is a fallacy says Steve Smith, head of thought leadership research at Starcom MediaVest.
Mobile application ‘cinime’ will enable cinemagoers to use their smartphones to interact with the big screen – aiming to ‘enhance’ and ‘complement’ the cinema experience, without interrupting it.
Coronations Street’s absence from Tuesday night’s schedules gave the dominant soap’s rivals a bit of a breather and allowed them to shine for the evening.
Video on demand having growing influence on advertising industry, bringing in revenues totalling £104 million in 2012, which are predicted to increase significantly over the next two years.
Advertising expenditure in the UK reached £17,172 billion in 2012, up 2.3% on 2011 according to figures released today in the AA and Warc Expenditure Report – figures not seen since 2007.