The Observer, Sunday Times and Sunday Telegraph all managed to increase their circulations over the year – the only titles in the market to do so.
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The latest ABC results for the July – December 2016 period charts all the trends for the consumer magazine market. Here, industry experts digest the findings.
Publisher Hearst was a shining star in an otherwise poorly performing market, with three of its titles managing to record both period and yearly increases in circulation during the July to December period.
As the latest ABC circulation figures are released for the consumer magazine market, Newsline presents its round-up of the results.
Compared with other parts of the magazine market, men’s lifestyle is showing some buoyancy, with the majority of titles remaining fairly stable between July and December.
Although a fair number of titles recorded moderate levels of growth, or showed they were on an even keel, a large proportion also witnessed some disappointing declines in circulation between July and December 2016.
Bauer’s TV Choice remains the king of the couch potatoes’ bible with a circulation of more than 1.2 million.
Marie Claire is using its beauty business – Fabled by Marie Claire – to bring new readers to the magazine during 2017.
A culture of rebuttal coming up from the crowd – which is then magnified by the mainstream media – is doing more than just keeping Trump and his cronies in check, writes Raymond Snoddy.
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