Released this week at the annual Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas, the survey revealed that 31% of Americans think this change will happen in the next one to five years.
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As Decipher’s Nigel Walley examines some persistent myths about TV, he says it’s time the industry re-learned that channels and channel brands are absolutely central to the television experience
ITV truly had the soap market cornered yesterday, thanks to BBC One’s EastEnders (8pm) dropping the ball just enough to fall to third place.
Revealed this week at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas, the Smart TV will offer interactive viewing with personalised programme recommendations from TV, VoD and web services.
Tuesday night brought a severe case of the munchies for Nigella Lawson and Anthony Bourdain as Channel 4 launched a UK version of ‘hit’ American ABC show The Taste at 9pm.
Speaking at the annual Consumer Electronics Show event in Las Vegas on Monday, Hastings confirmed the rumours that the Netflix exclusive would become the first programme to be shown by the online video platform in 4K.
Boxing Day 2013 saw BBC iPlayer tablet viewing figures surpass those of PC for the first time, after what was anticipated to be – and seemingly was – a tablet Christmas.
First showcased at this year’s Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas, the LED Bendable TV has been designed to enhance the overall viewing experience.
Back from the seasonal break, ISBA’s Bob Wootton shares his thoughts on mobile technology, the future of the BBC and fires a caustic shot across the bow of anyone unfortunate enough to have sent him an e-card this Christmas…
At 10pm, Channel 4 ensured that the 11% audience share it captured were not going to sleep a wink, thanks to Secrets of the Living Dolls (AKA pure unadulterated nightmare fuel).