Money Savers, the A4, full-colour shoppers’ coupon book, which is co-produced by the Mirror Group, Daily Telegraph and Express Newspapers, is due to launch on March 6th.The first will appear on Saturday 6th in the Daily Mirror and Telegraph magazine and the second on Sunday 7th in the People newspaper, Sunday Express magazine and Sunday… Continue reading Newspaper Coupon Books To Launch
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Newly appointed managing director of BBC Network Radio, Liz Forgan, has pledged her support for Radios 1 and 2. Speaking at a debate on the future of radio she rejected suggestions that the output of the 2 stations could be provided by the commercial sector.Forgan said “Radio 1 has a blend of programming which is… Continue reading BBC Chief Pledges Support For Radios 1&2
Thomson Information Services Ltd has sold 14 business magazines including Broadcast, Drapers Record and CTN to Emap PLC for £20.7m. The deal, which was first suggested two weeks ago, also includes 3 directories and related exhibition interests (Newsline 3/2).The acquisition increases Emap’s portfolio to 65 titles with an annual turnover of £65m. Last March Emap… Continue reading Emap Buys Thomson Business Titles
BBC2 won a near record audience for its screening of the Oprah Winfrey Michael Jackson Interview. The show achieved an estimated 11m viewers. The BBC is understood to have paid only £40,000 for the 70 minute programme. Channel 4’s Love Weekend achieved a 13% share of Saturday night viewing, compared to BBC2’s Night of Love… Continue reading Weekend TV Audience Battles:
Shortly before the MMC sits on the question of anti-competitive behaviour on the part of ITV with regard to programming rights, ITV has offered an amended document to the Commission stating that it no longer insists on buying rights for 10 years with a five year option on all programmes.The new document states that each… Continue reading ITV Abandons Rights Stance
BBC2 won a near record audience for its screening of the Oprah Winfrey Michael Jackson Interview. The show achieved an estimated 11m viewers. The BBC is understood to have paid only £40,000 for the 70 minute programme. Channel 4’s Love Weekend achieved a 13% share of Saturday night viewing, compared to BBC2’s Night of Love… Continue reading Weekend TV Audience Battles:
London Underground has decided to put its contract for selling advertising out for tender. All London Undergound’s 150,000 units are currently handled by London Transport Advertising.LTA has welcomed the opportunity to compete for the business and is confident it will retain it. The new contract is unlikely to be awarded until the beginning of 1994.
London Underground has decided to put its contract for selling advertising out for tender. All London Undergound’s 150,000 units are currently handled by London Transport Advertising.LTA has welcomed the opportunity to compete for the business and is confident it will retain it. The new contract is unlikely to be awarded until the beginning of 1994.
GfK has this week estimated the UK satellite dish universe to have reached 2.015 million – a lower figure than both BARB and Continental Research: Total 1992 GfK 2.015 BARB 2.297 C.R. 2.596 BSkyB 2.900 It should be noted, however, that the GfK survey does not cover either Northern Ireland, Channel Islands or The Isle… Continue reading Gfk Satellite Universe Estimates
The closure of London listings title City Limits, as predicted on NewsLine yesterday, has been confirmed. The magazine, founded as a co-operative 10 years ago, had been battling against falling sales and advertising revenue for some time.Last year the title was rescued by Terry Hornett and repositioned in the market as a young women’s weekly,… Continue reading City Limits Closes