The proportion of viewing time spent watching cable and satellite programmes was over 40% for adults and 50% for children in broadband cable homes, according to the latest viewing survey commissioned by the Cable Authority (071 821 6161). The research was conducted during October by Continental Research (071 490 5944) and is based on 696… Continue reading Cable Takes 40% Share
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Advertising expenditure is expected to increase by 10% in 1992, compared with a 5% fall this year, according to the latest Advertising Association forecasts.The area of most rapid growth is expected to be television, which will record a leap in the second half of the year to finish 13% up.Spend in national newspapers is fore-… Continue reading AA Forecasts For 1992
Italy is to have another national daily newspaper next year to be called L’Indipendente. Riccardo Levi, who is heading the project, says that the new title will be aimed at the top end of the market. L’Independente has 150 billion lire (£23m) behind it,a large sum by Italian newspaper standards. Previous attempts to establish independent… Continue reading New Italian Daily Newspaper
GAT Publications are to launch a new quartely title called Executive PA. The magazine is due to launch in April 1991 with a circulation of 40,000. The magazine will be available on sub – scription to top PA Executives in Britain. For more information call Advertising Manager, Susan Waters on – 071-836 4433. Ad Rates:… Continue reading Executive PA
Viewing to the Astra panel for the week ending 2/12/90 shows little variation on the previous week, with the most significant change being the increase in hours of viewing to Channel 4, up 20% from 1:15 to 1:30. Total hours to all Sky channels was down 5.7%, whilst the terrestrial channels rose 2.9%. ITV increased… Continue reading Astra Panel Viewing Summary W/E 2/12/90
The BBC is to launch a TV version of its World Service in the spring of next year. The programme, which will form part of BBC TV Europe, will consist of daily half-hour news bulletins available via satellite to operators in 22 countries. BBC TV International will sell and distribute World Service Television News in… Continue reading BBC TV World Service
The relaunch of the Birmingham Post as a broadsheet, aimed at improving the paper’s image as a quality title, has been postponed. The relaunch was due to take place on 14 January, but has been put back, possibly until March.
Dennis Publications are launching a new computer magazine in spring’91 called PC Buyer, which will be a sister title to best seller Computer shopper. The magazine will have a circulation of 50,000, and a cover price of 95p. The monthly publication will be available from any newsagent in spring 1991. For more information regarding PC… Continue reading PC Buyer Magazine
White Rose Television has now confirmed its decision to seek an industrial review of the ITC’s decision to award the Yorkshire television licence to Yorkshire TV.Winner of the franchise, Yorkshire TV, has been widely criticised for the size of its bid, which industry observers fear could be difficult to sustain. YTV bid £37.7m against White… Continue reading White Rose Seeks Judicial Review
Global advertising expenditure across the five major media (press, TV, radio, cinema and outdoor) is forecast to be $210bn in 1991, with the ten largest countries accounting for 85% of this expenditure, according to the latest Advertising Expenditure Forecasts from Zenith.This level of expenditure is expected to grow by 20% to $253bn by 1994, whilst… Continue reading Zenith Forecasts