The TV Times is halving its cover price to 25p next week in the Granada, Tyne Tees, Yorkshire and Border regions.
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TV COSTSThe ITVA Net Revenue Figure For April Came In At £137,050,741, Down 4.3% year on year, and up 3.9% on March 1991. Amongst the individual contractors’ share of revenue, TVS recorded the biggest drop,down 0.75% points on 1990, to 11.46%, although April was its best month last year.Tyne Tees also suffered a significant loss,… Continue reading TV ROUND-UP – APRIL
The Trade and Industry Secretary, Peter Lilley, yesterday announced he would be referring the BBC to the Monopolies and Mergers Commission, for using its TV air time to promote its own magazines such as the Radio Times and Food and Drink (Newsline 4/3).The referral follows Lilley’s acceptance of the recommendations of the Sadler Report, published… Continue reading BBC Referred To MMC
ABCSThe national newspaper’s circulation figures for April once again confirm the general downward trend of the market, with the only notable exception being for the mid-market titles.The most encouraging ABC figure among the quality titles was recorded for the Independent on Sunday, which increased by 13.6% on April’90 to 377,000. However,circulation for the Independent fell… Continue reading Press Round-Up – April
At 12pm today,the current and prospect- ive TV franchise holders will hand over their fates, sealed in brown envelopes, to the ITC and begin the long wait until October for the verdict.The new method of auctioning off the nation’s TV franchises was set in motion by the Peacock Committee’s 1986 report on advertising on the… Continue reading TV Franchises – The Deadline Arrives
The TV Times has cut its circulation guarantee from 2m to 1.6m for all bookings taken between 8/4 and 30/6.
TV COSTSITV revenue in March fell by 1.89%, year-on-year, to £131,909,258, slightly lower than anticipated. This was facilitated by heavy-weight campaigns by Bauer (TV Quick) and BSkyB, an earlier Easter and a low base in 1990. Amongst the individual contractors’ share of revenue, LWT recorded an increase of 1.51% points (with one day more), Thames… Continue reading TV Round-Up – March
The new national radio licences must ensure diversity of choice for listeners, and must expand the concept of commercial radio, the IPA has told the broadcasting minister Peter Lloyd.The IPA is also backing the Govern- ment’s decision to award the licences to “non-pop” services (Newsline 21/3). The IPA believes that numerous pop stations would lead… Continue reading IPA Supports Non-Pop Radio
TV advertising will take around 35% of spending on advertising within the EC by the year 2000, according to the latest Television In Europe To The Year 2000 report from Zenith Media World- wide.This compares to a current rate of spending within the EC of 25%, and 12% in the early 1980s.$15.9bn was spent on… Continue reading TV In Europe To 2000
As predicted, there has been much activity within the television listings magazines’ market since deregulation took place on March 1 (Newsline 25/1). Five new national titles have entered the arena, with one casualty to date, along with numerous regional titles.The first week after deregulation saw TV Times and Radio Times increase their pagination, to include… Continue reading TV Listings Market Update