Yesterday’s Media Week conference was designed to thrash out the issues raised by the new BARB contract, which comes into effect from 5 August.The conference was chaired by AMV/ BBDO’s Tim Cox, who began the first session with a dampener for all those hopeful of getting the low down on the parallel run: all speakers… Continue reading BARB Development Conference
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TV Times has reduced its cover price to 25 pence for “the forseeable future” in all areas. This follows the reduction last week in the Granada, Tyne Tees, Yorkshire and Border regions.
The new BARB contract runs from August 1991 to 1998 and has been split between RSMB and AGB.RSMB will take responsibility for the Establishment Survey, the panel balance and the panel maintenance. AGB will be responsible for meter operation, data retrieval, data processing and data dissemination.The new specification includes: * Larger disproportionate sample – 4435… Continue reading The New BARB Contract
Dramatic changes must be effected if the media in Eastern Europe is to cope with the wave of free competition which is characterising the current political changes, according to a report from Carat International – A Guide To Eastern Europe.The report details the present state of the media in Hungary, Poland, Romania, Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia,… Continue reading Carat’s Guide To Eastern Europe
The current MMC investigation into broadcasters who cross-promote related goods on air, which was sparked by the findings of the Sadler inquiry, is to examine the operations of BSkyB.The BBC has recently been criticised as the main offender, by cross-promoting its magazine titles on its TV stations, whilst unable to take regular advert- ising (Newsline… Continue reading BSkyB Examined By MMC
The BBC was officially referred to the Monopolies and Mergers Commission yesterday by Gordon Borrie , director general of Fair Trading (Newsline 22/5)The BBC said yesterday that it will continue to promote its magazines, such as the Radio Times, during the MMC enquiry, which may take up to a year.The case to be argued by… Continue reading BBC Referred To MMC
The Radio Authority has released further details of the three applications received for the first national franchise INR1 (Newsline 22/5) The three bidders are Classic FM, First National Radio and UKFM.Classic FM would provide “easy access listening to the popular masterworks of the great composers.” Classic FM reversed its decision, made in March, to withdraw… Continue reading INR1 Licence Applications
The youth music magazine market is a volatile one which has experienced many changes over the past decade. The music industry in the UK today is itself very diverse, and this is reflected in the number of titles which currently adorn the market.At the beginning of the eighties, four major players dominated the music magazine… Continue reading Music Magazine Market
IPC has carried out its threat and issued a writ against the BBC to prevent it using its airtime to promote its magazines (Newsline 17/5).This follows the decision by the Trade and Industry Secretary, Peter Lilley, to refer the BBC to the MMC. IPC has also issued a writ against BBC Enterprises.