This week the Times and Sunday Times are to become the first newspapers to be available on CD, a single disc will hold the contents of more than 400 newspapers.
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The Guardian and Manchester Evening News have been in talks with Liverpool producer Phil Redmond which are believed to have involved joining a consortium to bid against Granada for its ITV franchise. David Plowright, the Granada TV chairman, has admitted he knows that the Guardian are seeking partners to bid against them. The Guardian group… Continue reading Guardian Consortium
The Sunday Times (071-782 7000) yesterday delivered free copies of the newspaper to 50,000 Correspondent readers, in a one off promotion.
This week the terrestrial channels record their highest ever hours of viewing, up 1.7% on last week to 20:30 (hours : minutes). Hours of viewing for ITV also continue to rise, with this week’s figure up 3.6% to 9:58. Total hours of viewing for Sky One and Sky Movies fell slightly, by 3.2% and 1.7%… Continue reading Astra Panel Viewing Summary W/E 18/11
Saatchi & Saatchi will be announcing its annual results this Wednesday. They will come at a time when optimism is rising over the possibility of refinancing £212m of Euroconvertible bonds due to be redeemed in July 1993.
Before last November , satellite television was a diffused, disparate medium tottering on the fringes of the broadcasting industry.Whilst many consumers liked the idea of more choice and niche channels, confusion over whether to opt for Sky or BSB (a dish or a squarial) and the mixed messages coming from the broad- casters themselves, blurred… Continue reading BSkyB – One Year On
QUALITIES Among the quality newspapers The Independent on Sunday and The Observer continue to be the only titles to increase circulation year – on-year, when comparing both the monthly figures for October and the six monthly figures for May to October.The Times and The Independent once again experienced the greatest circulation falls in this group.… Continue reading National Press Round Up – October
The IPA has undertaken some comparative work between the old and the new BARB data, comparing coverage and the effect of the Negative Binomial Distribution calculation.A pool of almost 300 actual schedules (or parts of schedules) running during July was analysed for the IPA by DDS on both the old panel using the old methodology… Continue reading IPA Examines New V Old BARB Panel
Only 15% of people would be prepared to invest in cable or satellite receiving equipment if their favourite programmes moved onto satellite, according to a new study conducted by NOP for Key Note.The report counters industry predictions that the recent TV franchise round could provide a boost for cable and satellite, with more popular programmes… Continue reading Commercial TV Study
TV revenue for October reflected the success of the Rugby World Cup, coming in 13.29% higher than last year at £174,917,605. Amongst the individual contractors, LWT performed well , up 0.41% points to 11.24% (on the same number of days), whilst TVS (up 0.27% points), Central (up 0.09), Anglia (up 0.07) and TSW (up 0.01)… Continue reading TV Round-Up – October