Chiltern Radio has announced profits of £1.3m for the year to September 30, this represents an increase of 35% on the previous year. The Chiltern network, which covers the Northern Home Counties area, intends to expand by applying for some of the 30 new stations the Radio Authority will advertise next year.
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The international publishing company, the Quatro Group, is to close its magazine publishing section. The Group has been hit by the advertising slump and has put its four British and three Australian titles up for sale. The British magazines are Computer Business Week, Communications Engineering International, Construction Industry International and International Mining. If no buyers… Continue reading Quatro Magazines Up For Sale
TVMM (071 486 4311) has issued a new rate card for HTV, effective from 1 January 1991. The ITV rate card has increases of 18% for top peak fixed rates and falls of 21% and 6% for early and late peak fixed rates respectively. ITV Peaktime Support Spots and Guaranteed Homes Rating Packages have been… Continue reading New HTV Rate Card
TVMM (071 486 4311) has issued a new rate card for Grampian Television, with effect from 1 January 1991. The spot rate structure for both ITV and Channel 4 has been simplified, with rate levels being reduced and time segments for ITV being cut from 6 to 3. Peak time for ITV is no longer… Continue reading New Grampian Rate Card
Allied-Lyons has centralised all of its TV, press and radio buying, worth £45m, through Zenith Media. The move creates one of the UK’s largest centralised media buying accounts and comes in the same week that Saatchis is expected to announce a net loss in profits when preliminary results are released tomorrow. Allied-Lyons is also centralising… Continue reading Allied-Lyons Centralises Media
Speaking yesterday on C4’s Answering Back, Michael Checkland, director general of the BBC, dismissed suggestions that the licence fee should be replaced by subscription. However, he said he is worried that it may reach the £100 level.Checkland suggested that the licence fee for mono sets might be raised to that of the colour licence. He… Continue reading BBC Licence Fee And Audience Share
This week the Times and Sunday Times are to become the first newspapers to be available on CD, a single disc will hold the contents of more than 400 newspapers.
The Guardian and Manchester Evening News have been in talks with Liverpool producer Phil Redmond which are believed to have involved joining a consortium to bid against Granada for its ITV franchise. David Plowright, the Granada TV chairman, has admitted he knows that the Guardian are seeking partners to bid against them. The Guardian group… Continue reading Guardian Consortium
The Sunday Times (071-782 7000) yesterday delivered free copies of the newspaper to 50,000 Correspondent readers, in a one off promotion.
This week the terrestrial channels record their highest ever hours of viewing, up 1.7% on last week to 20:30 (hours : minutes). Hours of viewing for ITV also continue to rise, with this week’s figure up 3.6% to 9:58. Total hours of viewing for Sky One and Sky Movies fell slightly, by 3.2% and 1.7%… Continue reading Astra Panel Viewing Summary W/E 18/11