The ITC has issued a statement criticising TSW’s press release announcing its intention to seek a judicial review of the ITC decision to award the franchise to WestCountry (Newsline 1/11).The TSW press release (issued by Citi- gate Communications) stated that the company had lost its licence “despite the fact that TSW passed the quality threshold… Continue reading ITC Statement On TSW
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Topline NRS trends Apr’91-Sep’91 vs Apr’90-Sep’90CommentaryNational NewspapersThe NRS Average Issue Readership figures, for April-September’91, show that, among the national daily newspapers, only the quality titles are resisting the general downward trend.The Daily Telegraph, Guardian and Financial Times all recorded year-on- year increases for this period. The largest rise was for the Daily Telegraph, up by… Continue reading NRS Advance Figures Apr’91-Sep’91
Shareholders in Yorkshire Television are being urged to reject their TV franchise in return for a free stake in runner-up White Rose Television.White Rose is confident that it would be awarded the licence by default if Yorkshire decided not to accept the franchise, having passed the quality test but failed by bidding £20m less than… Continue reading White Rose Urges YTV To Reject Licence
TSW has issued a statement this morning asserting that it has resolved to seek a judicial review of the ITC’s decision to award the south and south west TV franchise to WestCountry.TSW’s decision is based on the fact that it passed the quality threshold and submitted the highest bid, but was still not awarded the… Continue reading TSW Decides To Go For Judicial Review
During September, The National Press Followed The Same Depressed pattern as in the preceeding months, with only one or two titles showing signs of a possible upturn in the market.Quality Newspapers Once again, The Independent on Sunday and The Observer were the only quality newspapers with encouraging circulation figures. The IoS increased its sales by… Continue reading National Press Round Up – September
The Radio Authority yesterday invited applications for the second Independent National Radio Licence (INR2), which will be broadcast on the AM frequency.Applicants are allowed to specify the content of the INR2 service themselves, with the only limitation being that it must be different from the INR1 service. It cannot, therefore, be a predominantly classical music… Continue reading INR2 Licence Advertised
The Shadow Radio Authority has announced the terms on which two of the three planned national radio licences are to be offered. The most sought after FM licence is to provide a music service that, under the terms of the Broadcasting Bill, “is not pop music.” One of the two AM licences is to be… Continue reading Independent National Radio Licences
ITV revenue in September followed the trend set in August, again showing an increase on the previous year. At 136,852,237, September’s revenue was up 0.8% on 1990, and up 36.9% on August 1991. Amongst the individual contractors, Thames’ share of revenue lept by 0.44% points on one day extra, whilst LWT fell by 0.33% points… Continue reading TV Round-Up – September
The ITC has made two further trans- mitter sites available for Channel 5, which will increase its potential population coverage by over half a million viewers.The two sites, in Cheltenham and Gloucester , will increase the UK coverage of Channel 5 by 1% to approximately 74%. These sites will be the last additions to the… Continue reading Channel 5 Update
Advertising in Europe, an Advertising Association half-day seminar, took place at BAFTA yesterday.The seminar examined the possible effects of the advertising directives proposed by the European Commission and outlined the industry’s responses to these directives.The session was opened by Richard Wade, director general of the Advertising Association, who stated that advertis- ing is a key… Continue reading Advertising In Europe Seminar