Contrary to reports in today’s national press, Channel 4 is not looking for replacements for its Channel 4 Daily breakfast programme Martin Stott, Channel 4 Daily spokesperson, told MediaTel this morning. Stott affirmed that Channel 4 is currently re-commissioning its existing programme segments for a further year: “It is a question of building up audiences.… Continue reading Channel 4 Daily To Stay
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The ITV contractors are seeking a relaxation of the rules on the amount of ad breaks allowed, in an attempt to alleviate growing costs and the current slump in the ad market. ITVA chairman Richard Dunn announced yesterday that the IBA is being approached with a view to extending the commercial breaks in and around… Continue reading ITV Contractors Seek More Ad Time
The Council of the ITVA (071 636 6866) has issued a statement confirming that the Marketing Committee’s decision to cease the publication of monthly revenue figures at the end of 1991 (Newsline 27/9) has been adopted. Meetings will be held with both the IPA and ISBA to discuss the implications of this decision.
Channel 5 could attract around £40m in ad revenue in 1994 (when it launches), increasing to £325m by 2003 (at constant 1989 prices) according to the results of the IPA’s study into the financial viability of Channel 5. If Channel 5 does achieve these targets these figures would represent an estimated 2% share of total… Continue reading IPA Report On Channel 5
Chairman of Reed International, Peter Davis took exeption to John Blake’s speech, saying that is was out of date and ill-informed. He is looking to the past and not the present, claims Davis, and cites Sainsbury’s long standing successful magazine campaign as a case study which can crush his argument (Davis was previously assistant managing… Continue reading “I Wouldn’t Publish Magazines If..”
Research Surveys of Great Britain has carried out a study entitled “Radio in London: The Effect of Greater Choice on Listening Habits.”The study found that despite the increase in the number of stations in London, giving a greater choice to radio listeners, there has been only a a slight increase in multiple station listening.There are… Continue reading Radio Listening Habits In London
The value and volume of advertising accounts which moved agencies in the first nine months of 1990 shows a fall on 1989 according to a survey from Anthony Rau and Associates. 16% fewer businesses, encompassing 671 accounts billing in excess of £1bn, moved agencies. Categories which moved agencies more than the average were publishing, government… Continue reading Survey Of Account Moves
National Breakdown has signed a one year deal to sponsor Yorkshire Television’s regional weather bulletins The six-figure deal is part of a marketing strategy for a new service offering home repairs to householders.
IPC has produced special holiday ad rates for its women’s weekly magazines to coincide with its editorial programme running between December 17 and January 29. All rates are for a full page FM/NM: Chat: Col -£8200, Mono -£5700 Me: Col -£15800, Mono -£11100 Woman: Col -£17800, Mono -£12500 Womans Own: Col -£22100, Mono -£15500 Womans… Continue reading IPC Holiday Ad Rates
Invicta Radio has confirmed the launch of a new sales operation based in France and Belgium called Diamond Media. (Newsline 27/9) The operation is a three-way partnership between the French company Tops Medias, the Belgian company Winners and Invicta with each holding a one third stake. Diamond Media will sell for 9 stations in France,… Continue reading Invicta Confirms Sales House