Nabs CEO Sue Todd discusses the impetus for launching the Managers’ Mindsets initiative and considers best practice for increasingly younger managers being asked to wear more hats.
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it is not too late to recognise both the importance of relationships between agency, media owner, tech people and brand marketers as well as the limitations of AI.
In a panel at The Future of Media London, the7stars’ Michelle Sarpong discussed ways that businesses can develop managers of the future.
The US election underlines that, when racism and sexism combine, women in leadership simply cannot win.
It recognises organisations that demonstrate a commitment to fostering positive mental health and wellbeing for staff.
Without a system of knowledge covering generally accepted truths, we will live in a world where decisions are not based on evidence but on the corrupt and vested interests of a few. High-quality journalism has never been more vital.
Findings of the survey will inform an updated action plan that helps businesses create a more inclusive workplace.
Combining the creative thinking and problem-solving ability of neurodiverse people with the processing power of AI could lead to unprecedented fresh perspectives.
The gender agenda has become a polarised topic. Three leading women in journalism shed light on the issues at stake and what we can do about it at a recent Wacl panel.
As the government’s initiative to boost the labour market progresses, businesses would do well to look at the benefits highlighted by 4 Day Week Global.