More people are choosing to become their own boss. From finances to the variety of roles on offer, here are some lessons I’ve learned on my own journey.
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A UK agency has shifted to a four-day week after taking part in a trial and has some valuable insights for companies that want to implement this model.
Talent is the most important currency our industry has to offer and the talent showcased in The Future 100 Club reflects what is brilliant about our people, writes the initiative’s first ambassador.
Watch: Ally Owen believes the industry still has a “narrow field of vision” when it comes to recruiting talent.
The tide of racism and misplaced hatred across the UK underlines that the media’s silent majority must speak up. It’s no longer enough to not be able to find the right words.
There are so many considerations. When is it the right time? Should you identify your own successors? Whose advice do you trust? How do you prepare for the loss of power?
By creating a more collaborative relationship, CMOs and CFOs can dispel misconceptions around marketing and establish clear, shared objectives.
As a leader, things you can do include taking a compassionate approach, creating bespoke solutions and checking in on every member of the team.
A football-inspired community is seeking to dismantle the stigma around vulnerability for men and foster a sense of belonging that can lead to open conversations.
With the rising costs of living and commuting, employers should look at benefits such as travel assistance and flexible work schedules if they want to retain their talent.