Kate Harris, former CEO and current regional director at Nabs, talks to Omar Oakes about the challenges of managing work-from-home stress and the benefits of art and creativity for mental wellbeing.
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The It Takes A Village Collective founder tells The Media Leader why it’s helpful to think of diversity and inclusion as a “language” that the industry is learning.
Patrick Affleck, UK CEO of Havas Media Network, talks to The Media Leader about key leadership skills, the importance of sustainability in media, and why positivity is returning to advertising in the second half of 2024.
Most people in the industry want to pay more attention to mental wellness, but many feel unable to talk about this issue in the workplace. How can leaders change this narrative?
We must stop pretending that leaders advocating for four days a week or more in the office care about inclusion.
Nominations for the third annual initiative will close on 5 September.
The consultant collective launched by Rachel Forde and Marco Bertozzi has surpassed £1m in revenue in its first year, its founders have said.
Our industry understands the importance of symbols. In an increasingly hostile climate towards LGBTIA+ people, it’s alarming that some brands are reverting to the original Pride flag to consciously exclude others.
Apart from the Cannes Lions, our industry is full of networking events with free-flowing alcohol. Sober Media Network advises on how to navigate these situations.
Strong community bonds create healthier workplace cultures. So how do we collectively do this for the industry’s greater good?