UK advertising expenditure grew 6.8% year-on-year in the third quarter of 2015 to reach £4,646 million – the strongest third quarter on record.
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As it faces a bleak future, Dominic Mills translates the gobbledygook flowing out of the Guardian – and, in praise of the Super Bowl and TV, challenges the industry’s obsession with precision marketing.
37% of mobile users claim to have used an ad blocker in the last month – as desktop use rises 10% to 38%.
January 1986 kicked off a defining year for media – witnessing Murdoch’s newspaper triumphs, a German incursion into UK mags and a proto-Gogglebox. Here, renowned journalist Torin Douglas recounts a fascinating history.
The plan will see the business shave off more than £53 million from its current £268 million annualised cost base.
There was little circulation change to daily, Sunday and free titles during December.
A -9.9% decline over the month cost Mail Online almost 1.5 million daily browsers.
The Telegraph’s Cathy Ma will become audience dev director.
Launch of ‘Shared Spaces’ designed to “cut-through” a cluttered market.
It’s time to hand power back to the publishers so that they stand a chance against the powerful platform players, writes Alicia Navarro, CEO of Skimlinks.