BBC’s head of iPlayer, Dave Price, has said that he sees internet-connected TVs as the “platform of the future.”Writing on his blog about the performance of the hugely popular platform, he said: “It’s no big surprise that when at home, audiences like to watch TV on the best screen in the house – the TV.… Continue reading BBC’s head of iPlayer sees internet-connected TVs as the platform of the future
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First the humble telephone went ‘smart’ and now it’s time for Television – and the news for advertisers is very good indeed, with a study showing that connected TV viewers are ‘exceptionally receptive’ to ads.
Not since the intense Bourne-like rooftop chase of Feb 2010 have the crew on EastEnders (BBC One, 8pm) been tasked with delivering us such an explosive episode. Monday night gave us the aftermath of the year’s big Walford disaster…
Commercial terrestrial television channels have seen their advertising revenues continue to decline with new data showing another fall in network revenues.
BBC’s Strictly continued to dominate the weekend, although ITV’s I’m a Celebrity wasn’t too far behind in the race. Meanwhile, The X Factor (while it’s a far way off from being dragged around the back and shot) seems to be trapped in the stalls from the off.
Total Ltd. sue YouView for infringement of ‘YOUR VIEW’ trade mark and seek an injunction limiting use of the ‘youview’ brand
Christmas: a festival based on a myth where social norms are lubricated by dishonesty – and, of course, Christmas advertising has traditionally reflected this. So how have advertisers judged the national mood this year?
The UK is the world leader in dual screening with over 70% of UK tablet owners using them while watching TV, according to research showcased at the MRG Conference.
UKTV, the commercial television network in the UK and co-owned by BBC Worldwide and Scripps Networks Interactive Inc., confirmed yesterday that it has secured a deal for a fourth DTT channel slot.Dave Ja Vu, a catch up service for entertainment channel Dave, will hold Freeview channel 25 for a limited time from January 2013 while… Continue reading UKTV lands fourth Freeview slot
Thursday night brought another elimination to the jungle in I’m a Celebrity…Get Me Out of Here! (ITV1, 8pm). Nine more to go and this will all be a distant memory – remain strong.There was just so much ‘wilderness’ action to catch up on, we were treated to a whole hour and a half of campfire… Continue reading TV Overnights: ITV1’s NeverEnding Story bags 7.8m