David Brennan, Founder of Media Native, on the need for objective, representative research to be applied to media decisions because we are incapable of making them based on our own experiences.
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Referral of Global Radio bid to Competition Commission reassures advertisers…
On the eve of MediaTel’s ‘Electronic Trading Debate’, Gary Goodman, CEO of MediaEquals ponders why advertisers and consumers continue to demand smarter and more integrated digital services, isn’t it time for the media industry to follow suit?
comScore and Arbitron, the radio ratings company, have announced plans to develop a five-platform measurement initiative, which aims to provide a view of changing consumption of video, audio and display content across radio, television, PCs, smartphones and tablets.
Apple is set to launch a digital radio service with customised listening and on-demand functionality, according to The Wall Street Journal.
The Consumer Electronics Market in Great Britain fell by -5.6% in value comparing June 2012 with June 2011, claims GfK Retail and Technology UK. Whilst this is disappointing, the year on year value fall is -14%, so this small drop can be seen as a considerable lessening of decline.This uplift in the Total CE market was… Continue reading Consumer electronics market still falling
Stacey Pratt, head of radio branded content at MediaCom, says commercial needs to work harder to grow it’s hours on digital-only stations to contend with the BBC’s offering…
Adam Bowie gives a brief whizz through the latest RAJAR results…
James Cridland, managing director of Media UK and a radio futurologist, says radio continues to change and the new listening figures make this ever more clear…
Absolute Radio posted an impressive performance in the latest RAJAR release for Q2 2012 – particularly in the London market where other stations struggled to hold on to listeners, and with the popularity of its Christian O’Connell breakfast show.