Many journalists view Trump as a high-risk demagogue – but is that a good enough excuse for them to throw their best-practice textbooks out of the window, asks Raymond Snoddy
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In advertising, viewability and attention are far too often confused. It’s time to set the record straight, writes Thinkbox’s Matt Hill
The advertising industry has made diversity, in all forms, a key plank of its offering. Inadvertently, Saatchi’s boss Kevin Roberts has highlighted its failings, writes Dominic Mills.
Last week agencies and advertisers were warned their investment choices were creating a diminished media landscape in the UK. Here, Bob Wootton asks what it will take to avert disaster.
Will withholding the names and images of terrorists from TV and newspapers have any real impact in the age of social media, asks Raymond Snoddy
Looking at playback data shows that we’ve been hoarding some TV programmes for up to eight years, discovers BARB’s Joe Lewis. Does certain content never get old or are we just nostalgic?
It’s time agencies and advertisers asked themselves serious questions about the media world they are creating through their investment decisions, writes Tess Alps.
Advertisers need to make television work better for viewers, writes TVSquared’s Calum Smeaton
We need to change the way we act or ad effectiveness will continue to deteriorate, writes ISBA’s Mario Yiannacou
Thirty years ago this month, the Tory leader had the BBC firmly in her sights. Torin Douglas charts a battle that still rages on today.