The digital ecosystem is becoming increasingly complex, as brands split their video budgets between online, mobile and connected TVs. So what’s the optimum mix? Rhys McLachlan, Director of Corporate and Business Development at Videology investigates.
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GfK’s Wendy Jones and IAB’s Alex Kozloff look at new research that helps us to understand the ways in which mobile has changed the path to the consumer – from Apple’s Passbook to Marks & Spencer’s in-store Wi-Fi offerings – and ask what brands need to do to ensure success.
As a term, big data is now a jargonistic cliché, says Dominic Mills. It’s over-used, mis-used and abused. It’s become the prerogative of people who peddle snake oil in the form of hugely expensive consultancy and software, luring in the suckers…and now marketers have got some major hurdles to overcome.
The thing that killed HMV was the fact the ‘new’ players just kept improving their businesses – investing in new features and perfecting the way their sites work. By Simon Andrews, founder of addictive!.
Jeremy Toeman, CEO of Dijit Media, has no idea what a Honey Boo Boo is, nor what the Amish Mafia is after – but his thoughts are very clear when it comes to predicting the buying behaviour of TV watchers.
Matt McNally, Business and Strategy Analyst at Decipher, takes a look at Apple TV – that much-rumoured, but never confirmed device – and offers his thoughts on what we might expect.
Although we must applaud the Lebedevs for trying to preserve iconic media institutions, the move to provide London with its own TV channel boils down to a couple of basic questions: can ‘London Live’ come up with something on a limited budget that will attract an audience – and will advertisers support the new venture? By Raymond Snoddy.
The significance of social signals – a like or a dislike on Facebook; a tweet or a retweet – has been fiercely discussed among SEO experts for quite some time, but the debate is divided by one question: what influence do social signals have on the indexing in search engines, such as Google? By Ellie Edwards-Scott, MD UK Quisma.
The parallels between religion and social networking are striking and now, instead of praying to the void, you type into it. By James Whitmore, MD at Postar
Given the price of Superbowl ads this year, you can hardly blame an advertiser for trying to maximise the bang/buck ratio by generating as much pre-game chatter as they can, says Dominic Mills. But is this making advertising strategies cynical as they compete to be talked about before kick off?