Results from over 2,000 eye tracking studies performed by EyeTrackShop over the last 16 months reveal that, on average, 30% of visible display ads did not attract the consumers’ attention. Darren Hamer investigates.
More Opinion articles
Dominic Mills says it’s not difficult to count up the UK’s influence on the global advertising industry, but with a new IPA study into the business effects of a thousand advertising campaigns from over thirty years, how can clients be persuaded to invest longer term?
How can you turn 1 million into 32 million? How can 6 plus 17 equal 87? No, we’re not bad at maths; we’re just demonstrating the magic multiplier effect of brilliant content on your brand’s Facebook page, then integrating that with a TV campaign…
Social media is a great space to incorporate into your marketing mix if – and only if – you are prepared to open up your business and offer the consumer a unique insight says Andrew Gilhespy.
Forget all the dodgy opinion polls, petitions and the ceaseless whining of Hacked Off. We have now got to the heart of the matter and there is more than a decent chance that Leveson could, against all the odds, turn out well for both the press and the public, says Raymond Snoddy.
Bold, brash, big headed and bravely going where everyone else fears to tread, the Managing Director of Mail Newspapers, Guy Zitter, has been calling the shots down in Derry Street since most media buyers were still in short trousers – and the years haven’t mellowed him.
At the recent Newsworks tablet debate ‘What Next For Tablets?’ much discussion centred on whether the tablet should be treated differently as a separate channel or as part of total newspaper sales…
David Brennan, Founder of Media Native, fails miserably to capture those magic OMG! moments that real creative advertising can inspire. What’s going on?
You don’t have to be an accountancy wonk to find pleasure, surprise and a touch of salaciousness hidden among the pages of the latest annual survey of agencies’ financial performance. For there, laid out in all their glory – and some gore – are the financial secrets of a host of agencies…
Simon Andrews, founder of the full service mobile agency addictive!, rounds up this week’s mobile news.