Raymond Snoddy asks: Can a local TV station run as a sustaining business once the BBC subsidies end? Will enough viewers watch? Will advertisers be the slightest bit interested?
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John Billett suggests a new criteria for judging the real effectiveness of campaigns entered for industry awards.
As the marketing world continues to evolve, Liz Wilson, CEO at CMW and Chris Willingham, partner and CMO at Fallon discuss how to redesign client service in order to keep pace.
Simon Andrews, founder of the full service mobile agency addictive!, looks a the latest developments in m-commerce and the accelerated pace that retailers are embracing the method.
James Grant, UK country manager, Vindico, says great content on the TV, great devices that allow personal and immediate interaction, and great communication apps all demonstrate the continued growth of ‘second screening’…
Alistair Hill, CEO of On Device Research, says mobile brings advertisers and users closer to real world commerce transactions, providing the opportunity to bring mobile advertising CPMs in line with online CPMs…
As Netflix pursues its assault on the UK market, Raymond Snoddy analyses the four-way OTT battle, as well as the latest Thinkbox and Deloitte research studies…
Founder and CEO of Proxama, Neil Garner, examines what sort of impact Google’s wallet proposition will have on the market…
Bryan Scott, marketing communications director at Metro,on why many brands are now ensuring that mobile is not just part of their marketing mix, but core to their purpose….
Michael Bayler, strategist and author, Bayler & Associates, on automated value…