James Whitmore, managing director at Postar, gives an insight from the FEPE International congress and talks about the old conundrum of short-term return versus long-term effect…
More Opinion articles
David Hellier, deputy editor at City AM, wonders how bold BT Vision will be following the recent football rights deal when it comes to taking subscribers away from BSkyB and Virgin Media…
Following on from Media Playground 2012, Michael Bayler, strategist and author, Bayler & Associates, on the relationship between data and the value of content…
Belinda Beeftink, IPA associate director, on changes to consumer behaviour in light of the recession – as revealed by TouchPoints data…
Simon Andrews, founder of the full service mobile agency addictive!, on Microsoft; Amazon and Google…
Raymond Snoddy wonders if there is there no end to the wisdom of Ofcom. But then the organisation has a really tricky problem to deal with. We call it the Leveson dilemma…
Nick Bampton, commercial sales director at Channel 5, on why, in Channel 5’s definition, partnerships are the antithesis to the old way of trading…
Rufus Olins, CEO, Newsworks, on why 30 million readers will pick up a newspaper during the 17 days of the Olympics…
David Brennan says: I’ve heard so much recently about BARB’s irrelevance to the digital media landscape of today that I feel I ought to add my voice to the case for its defence…
“M-commerce is very interesting and we’ve only just hit the tip of the iceberg,” according to Tamsin Hussey, group account director at Joule.