The advent of peer-to-peer streaming technology may mean that the internet is finally ready as a medium for radio and television. So argues Will Morton, managing director of Robonobo Ltd, an online company made up of a group of individuals who undertake projects designed to promote collaboration and community through digital technology…The adoption of the… Continue reading Peer-To-Peer, Changing The Face Of Broadcasting
More Opinion articles
As the popularity of community sites over the internet continues to flourish, chief executive of the Internet Advertising Bureau, Guy Phillipson, examines the phenomenon of UGC and asks how advertisers can make the most of its growth …If you’ve been keeping an eye on the world of online recently, it would appear the medium sees… Continue reading User-Generated Content – A Tough Nut For Advertisers
Are interactive television services being left behind? Does the technology need to progress at a quicker pace? iTV Creative Consultant Richard Chong examines the merits and pitfalls of interactive content…So here we are again. Another discussion about the merits of interactive television. There isn’t a week that goes by without the trade press talking about… Continue reading Think Outside The Set-Top Box
As the countdown to this year’s World Cup inches towards single figures, Leigh Yoxall, TV Group Director at Starcom MediaVest, examines the competition’s impact on ITV and the nation…There is a palpable buzz around the country at present, as the ball gets rolling for the World Cup 2006 (apologies!). Questions such as “Will Rooney play?”,… Continue reading The Value Of The World Cup
Following the release of RAJAR’s new two-year contract for audience measurement, Steve Parker, UK buying director at Starcom, examines the initiative’s features and outlines why it’s a step in the right direction…RAJAR has just revealed the details of its new contract, which is set to roll out in January 2007, the original target date set… Continue reading RAJAR – New Contract 2007
The evolution of online technology and its adoption into every form of media has meant a shift in purpose for others. Ellen Brush, publishing director at Axon Publishing, explains the change in strategy for catalogue marketing, and its flourishing future despite competition from the internet…When it emerged, many pundits believed that the web would be… Continue reading The Revival Of Catalogues
An increasingly ethical focus on public health and the effects of alcohol and junk food advertising is causing a shift in opinion, reaching both public and Governmental ears. Martin Thomas, head of strategy at MPG, explains the possible effects of new advertising legislation…Alcohol and so called “junk foods” appear to be vying for the dubious… Continue reading Super Sized Legislation
The evolution of the internet into an all-powerful media platform is forcing traditional owners to change their business models, expand their offerings and radically re-think tried and tested content formulas. Phil Cutts, Director of Marketing at PPA Marketing, explains the implications of online content for the consumer magazine sector…With control increasing over how and when… Continue reading New Media For Magazines
Recent advances in computer game technology have seen an increasing number of advertisers adopt the medium to grab the attention of audiences. Julian Ireland, European communications director at in-game ad specialists, Hive, explains the attractiveness of the medium, and its growing importance in the media mix…Hopefully we’ve all heard the stats, not the “it’s bigger… Continue reading Game On For Advertisers
Internet advertising is experiencing its second boom, with projected growth rates reaching startling proportions. Simon Andrews, founding partner of Big Picture Advertising, explains the changes that need to take place at agency level to capitalise on this online potential…I was fascinated by the MediaTel INSIGHT conference on the future of online the other week. There… Continue reading What’s holding digital back?