Technical innovation is frequently touted as a unique selling point for digital TV, with PVR, video on-demand and interactive services all cited as reasons to make the switch. But Simon White, TV Group Head at WWAV Rapp Collins Media explains that marketers may be missing the point in convincing consumers…Many comments have been made about… Continue reading The Race For Digital Dominance
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Following reports of poor performance by the nation’s largest commercial broadcaster, ITV, Leigh Yoxall, TV Group Director at Starcom Mediavest, looks at the implications of the Contract Rights Renewal for the coming year…When ITV chose to combine their Carlton and Granada sales teams, the rationale was to save a huge amount of money and to… Continue reading ITV And The Role Of CRR In 2006
Podcasts have grabbed public attention in recent months, from conventional broadcasters offering ‘catch-up’ editions, to Channel 4 launching its own assault on the radio world, fronted by news reader John Snow. Programming consultant Paul Chantler looks at the threat posed by these radio ‘alternatives,’ asking if they could really spell the end for traditional broadcasting…Like… Continue reading Will Podcasts Kill The Radio Star?
Triple play services have been brought into sharp focus by recent developments in the TV industry. From Sky’s rumoured interest in Homechoice, to the NTL/Telewest merger, iTV Creative Consultant Richard Chong reviews the current TV landscape and its potential for change in an increasingly on demand world…For such a long time BSkyB has dominated the… Continue reading The Tortoise and the Hare
The advancement of digital media is leading to a generation of always-on, permanently connected consumers. MediaTel INSIGHT’s Sarah Pearce looks at the implications for the marketing industry, which is being forced to face up to a digital future…The consumer household is increasingly becoming enveloped in the digital arena. Advances in technology and cost cutting incentives… Continue reading The Digital Home
Marketers choosing to ignore the ever-powerful 50+ market are playing a dangerous game, according to new marketing think tank ASK, which reveals the findings of its largest ever survey, highlighting key challenges to unlocking the sector’s value.The old view that a consumer is dead by the time they reach 35 is a highly risky view… Continue reading Re-Thinking The Over 50s
Online gambling is becoming an increasingly popular pastime, both for British and European internet users. Alex Burmaster, European Internet Analyst at Nielsen//NetRatings, explains the advantages of gambling from home, and the factors fuelling the industry’s phenomenal growth.Thirty million people in the US do it each month, as do one in four of the French Internet… Continue reading Online Gambling: A Good Bet For The Future
Increasingly popular women’s weekly magazines offer marketers a new type of print advertising, according to Peter Stevens, marketing director at The Publishing Consultancy, who explains their advantages in driving short term sales, a previously under-rated attribute.When a brand manager is tasked with driving sales in the short-term, traditionally the response has been to pile money… Continue reading Weeklies As A Short-Term Solution
The impact of new technologies on the media world is giving consumers increasing control on their advertising consumption. Neil Perkins, Ad Director, marketing & strategy, IPC Media and chair of events committee at PPA Marketing outlines the importance of magazines as a way to engage readers in advertising messages.Back in July, Ofcom announced that UK… Continue reading Power To The People – Why Magazines Are More Relevant To Advertisers Than Ever
Last week saw the release of RAJAR’s latest audience data, covering the three months to September. Programming consultant Paul Chantler looks at the figures, and predicts the next trend to hit radio content from America…Good news for the BBC in the latest RAJAR audience figures – its highest-ever share of audience in the UK radio… Continue reading Look Out Moyles, Jack Could Be Coming For You!