The UK’s national newspaper websites suffered a drop in usage in June, with almost all audited sites recording a small drop in both daily and monthly figures.
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Sunday 17 July was the big one – the once in a quarter of a century opportunity for newspaper publishers to grab a larger circulation base and market share following the closure of the News of the World the week before. Sales were up but this week tells a different story…
Just at the very moment when the official launch of the silly season seemed inevitable, along came the most dreadful atrocity from the most unexpected of all places – Norway. Then Amy Winehouse died. Couldn’t she have waited a couple of days and then she could have been given the full, unambiguous dead tragic star/hero treatment without any Norwegian neo-Nazis getting in the way.
DMGT has reported a 3% drop in advertising revenue for its national newspaper division in the first three weeks of July, while overall print ads fell 12% in the quarter to 2 July.
James Whitmore, MD of POSTAR, on the big issue for the future – who should own how much of the news media? What should happen, and happen quickly, is the creation of a fresh legal framework for the ownership of news media…
The New York Times has reported a loss on a $161.3 million write-down of assets at the News Media Group.
Raymond Snoddy: It was most unfortunate that James Murdoch could not deal adequately with such a tricky question at yesterday’s select committee (a compelling drama that told us almost nothing new in any factual sense but almost everything about the key players involved) because in the mildest of ways it went to the heart of the matter…
Last Sunday was a once in a quarter of a century opportunity for newspaper publishers… the closure of the News of the World was the opportunity to grab a larger circulation base and market share.
The Mail on Sunday and Sunday Mirror enjoyed significant reader gains in the immediate aftermath of the News of the World closure, but a ‘Sun on Sunday’ has a strong appeal, according to new research by Kantar Media.
CITY AM registered its first profitable year in 2010 with a pre-tax profit of £439,047.