According to a Toluna QuickSurveys and Newsline poll, only 6.5% of people bought the last edition of News of the World on Sunday who wouldn’t normally buy a copy.
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Jim Marshall on how the agency world reacted to the events that unfolded at News International week. One could argue that the words ‘rabbit’ and ‘headlights’ applied – the media agency world didn’t want to see NotW damaged, let alone go.
Culture secretary Jeremy Hunt has written to Ofcom and the Office of Fair Trading to seek advice on News Corporation’s BSkyB takeover bid in light of the on-going News of the World saga.
Never underestimate a Murdoch to spring the ultimate surprise and deliver a bigger response to a crisis than any commentator would have forecast…
The key facts and figures about News of the World.
Alex DeGroote, media analyst at Panmure Gordon, believes closing News of the World will have positive implications for Trinity Mirror
Andy Coulson, the prime minister’s former press spokesman, has been arrested and is being held in custody at a police station in south London. The Yard said he would be questioned in connection with allegations of corruption and phone hacking.
“…On the case of Rebekah Brooks… it has been reported that she offered her resignation over this and in this situation, I would have taken it…”
According to a new report by Toluna QuickSurveys, 60.2% of respondents agreed with News International’s decision to close the News of the World, with only 19.8% disagreeing.
James Murdoch has announced that this Sunday will be the last issue of the News of the World.